“Now all of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” 1 Cor. 12:27 NLT
At First Baptist Church of Franklin we believe every member is a minister. All of us have gifts, abilities, and talents we can share so that God’s work is done. Serving through a ministry is also an essential part of being a growing Christian. The following list includes areas that might help you begin to imagine what part you can fill in the ministry of First Baptist Church serving each other and the surrounding community.
Do you have a special ability or skill that you can serve with?
Or if you would like more information about finding your place at First Baptist Church of Franklin,
feel free to contact the church office at (937) 746-3911.

Youth Ministry (Teens)
Teenagers today have more challenges than ever before. Social media, online learning, cyber bullying, the list goes on and on. These are all obstacles that many adults have never had to deal with. Thats why our youth need an ally more than ever before. First Baptist Church of Franklin's Youth program exists to introduce teens to Jesus, nurture them in their faith, and equip them for a lifetime of glorifying God.

Honduras Mission Trip
First Baptist Church has sent a mission team to Honduras the last several years. The mission team assists local church in teaching vacation bible school for a week. Many of the children that the team encounters have never know what it's like to have a toy, to eat out, to get new school clothes, to go to school or to have indoor plumbing!

Servant Ministry
1st Peter 4:10
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
Maybe your gift is gardening or cooking. Maybe you are handy at carpentry or being a tech whiz. Whatever your gift is, use it for the Lord! Speak to Pastor Clyde to learn about the needs of the church and where you might best serve the Master.
Children's Ministry
We know that your kids are important to you and we are committed to providing quality programming to you and your family. Additionally, you can feel safe bringing your children to First Baptist Church of Franklin, as each and every children’s ministry volunteer undergoes a thorough background check annually. Your families spiritual growth and safety are of the upmost importance to us!

Small Groups
First Baptist Church of Franklin offers several small groups that meet throughout the week. These groups aren't just gathering together to study the Bible. They come together to support one another through good times and bad, to fellowship and to be prayer warriors for one another.

The Food and Clothing Ministry
Those who are in need are welcome to stop by where one of our loving volunteers will help you find what you need, whether it’s a new pair of shoes, a coat to keep you warm or something nice to wear to a job interview – we are here to help!